Rates & Refunds

Rates & Refund Table - Annual  

Carpool Discount Permit

Carpools must have two or more UCSB employees, who are employed at least 45% at the University as Faculty, Staff, or Graduate Student Staff. A Carpool is made up of a Permit Holder, who pays for the permit, and a non-Permit Holder, who has access to the 6 complimentary TAP daily parking permits, awarded each quarter. Carpool Groups must commute to campus in the same vehicle at least 3 times a week to qualify for the Carpool ePermit. Please be aware that those who do not qualify or misrepresent the carpool to get the carpool discount will pay the full-price of the parking permit retroactively (+$225/year and any collection fees).

TAP Carpool Program Features

How the Program Works


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Cost Savings

  • An annual Carpool discount permit costs $225/year, which is half the price of a $450/year regular permit.
  • Permits purchased after the start of the permit period are prorated and the appropriate fee charged for the remainder of the period. July 1 is the starting date for an annual permit. For example, if you purchase a Carpool permit in November, the cost to you is $150. In January, you pay $112.50, and in March $75.
  • Permits that are not being used must be cancelled through the Parking Services Sales office to to stop incurring fees or to qualify for a refund. See here for more information about our permit return policy.


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Sample Carpool Logistics

A carpool is typically organized as a Designated Driver Carpool or as an Alternating Carpool.

  • In a Designated Driver Carpool, the driver provides the vehicle, and passengers pay a daily, weekly or monthly fare based on expenses such as fuel, maintenance, and parking.
  • In an Alternating Carpool, the driving alternates among carpool participants by the day, week or month. Your expenses are incurred only when you do the driving.


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Carpool Matching

Carpool matching services can be of assistance to those who want to form or expand a carpool. Some carpool matching services support daily commuters between home and UCSB (SmartRide and UCSB Employee Carpool Matching Sheet ) and others support regional transportation such as Bay Area or Southern California Ride Matching (Craigslist and Facebook Groups)  

  • SmartRide, a carpool matching program from Traffic Solutions available to students and employees of UCSB along with the general public. Traffic Solutions is a division of the Santa Barbara County Association of Government (SBCAG)*
  • Craigslist Ride board regulars provide personal information with their travel requests.*

Some of Facebook's Regional Rideshare Groups that serve those from UCSB

*Please be advised that UC Santa Barbara has no affiliation with any carpool matching services.  Participants are solely responsible for determining whether or when it’s appropriate to meet with or share personal information with a potential carpool partner.


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Join Tap

If you are not yet a member, join TAP today. It’s your first step to enrolling in the Carpool Program.


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