
Welcome to UCSB!

All vehicles parked on campus must have a valid campus parking permit. All vehicles parked on campus must have a valid campus parking permit.  Short-term and long-term ePermits options are available.

  • A physical permit is not required because your license plate is your ePermit.  The vehicle's license plate must be accurately entered during the ePermit purchase process
  • Your vehicle's license plate must be affixed to the exterior of the vehicle, unobstructed, and fully visible from the drive aisle in order for your permit to be valid.

  • The University reserves the right to limit the use of parking areas to specific vehicle types as required by facility design or other considerations.

  • The University may change any parking zone designation.

  • The University may close, either temporarily or permanently, any parking area. Advance notice of parking area changes or closings is provided whenever practical.

Click an icon below to learn more about your permit options and costs, and the areas in which visitor parking is permitted.


Short-Term Parking Permits


Short-Term Permits

Long-Term Parking Permits


Link to Rates

Disabled Parking


Disabled Parking Permits

UC Parking Permit Reciprocity 

Faculty and staff permit holders from other UC campuses are eligible for complimentary parking permits as specified in reciprocity agreements between our respective universities. Please see the UC Reciprocity page for more information.

Oversize Vehicles Parking 

The University of California, Santa Barbara Campus restricts parking large vehicles on campus property. Generally, no person may park or leave standing any large vehicle upon any lot, structure, street or other areas within campus. Additionally, UCSB prohibits the placement or storage of containers of any type, including but not limited to PODS and U-Haul containers, in all campus parking lots and locations.

Campus property:

All land owned, leased or otherwise exclusively controlled by the University of California, Santa Barbara such as buildings, grounds, parking lots, and all developed and undeveloped lands.

Large/Oversize Vehicle Definition:

A large vehicle is described as any vehicle which exceeds 22 feet in length, or exceeds 80 inches in width, or exceeds 82 inches in height. Note: Vehicles that are connected such as a motor vehicle and trailer that exceeds the 22 feet in length are included in this description.

A trailer shall mean any trailer, semitrailer, camp trailer (including tent trailers), unmounted campers, trailer coach, or fifth-wheel trailer.

Oversize vehicles parked in violation shall be subject to citation, pursuant to Section 40202 of the California Vehicle Code. If a large vehicle is left illegally parked or standing on UCSB property for 72 consecutive hours in violation of this article, the large vehicle is subject to removal pursuant to Section 22651, subsection (k) of the California Vehicle Code.

Policy on Storage Containers in Campus Parking Lots:

UCSB Transportation & Parking Services prohibits the placement or storage of containers of any type, including but not limited to PODS and U-Haul containers, in all campus parking lots and locations.

Storage containers that require a truck for transport are typically shipping containers, which are too large and heavy to be moved by a standard vehicle. These containers necessitate the use of specialized equipment, such as flatbed or tilt-bed trucks, for proper placement and removal.

These containers are significantly larger and heavier than the average large SUV and have a fundamentally different weight distribution. The delivery and pickup processes associated with these containers may result in damage to parking lot surfaces. This damage leads to costly repairs and safety concerns.

Need More Information?

The Parking Services office is open Monday through Friday, 7:30am to 4pm.

Face coverings and social distancing of at least 6 feet apart are required for in-person service.

We are also available by phone and email Monday through Friday, 8am to 4pm.  The following is contact information for our various units:

Permit Sales, please call (805) 893-2346, or email at tps-sales@ucsb.edu.

Citation Administration, please call (805) 893-3680, or email at tps-citations@ucsb.edu.

Transportation Alternative Program, email to tps-tapprogram@ucsb.edu.