The UCSB Sustainable Transportation Fund is a way to make tax-deductible donations to support more environmentally friendly choices for UCSB commuters. The funds may be used for (but are not limited to) subsidies to UCSB vanpools, carpools, carshare, bus and train commuting, bike path improvements, and the purchase of bicycle racks and lockers.

UCSB's thirteen vanpools alone reduce vehicle miles traveled by campus commuters by 3.2 million miles per year. The vanpool program in turn reduces campus commuters’ consumption of gasoline by 128,000 gallons per year — an amount that would have created 2.3 million pounds of carbon dioxide, a common green house gas.

Every dollar you give to the UCSB Sustainable Transportation Fund makes a positive difference in the air we share by encouraging the use of more sustainable forms of transportation by campus commuters.

Help us improve the environment by making a donation via check or UCSB payroll deduction.

Click here to learn about a valuable opportunity to show your support for UCSB's Vanpool Program by means of vanpool sponsorship!

Please consider making a donation today. Contact, (805) 893-5126, about planned giving, bequests, or the gift of securities to the UCSB Sustainable Transportation Fund.